We Bet You Can’t Get A Perfect Score On This Clone Wars Season 2 Quiz
What is the name of the Jedi that holds the list of all the force sensitive children in the galaxy?

- Bolla Ropal
- Eeth Koth
- Tera Sinube
- Yaddle
What is the name of this beast?

- Zillo Beast
- Gundark
- Luggabeast
- Bantha
Who is the senator of Skipio?

- Baron Rush Clovis
- Padmé Amidala
- San Hill
- Nute Gunray
How many bounty hunters did the farmers from Felucia hire to protect them from Hondo and his gang of pirates?

- 4
- 3
- 5
- 8
What is the name of the Jedi who is taken hostage by General Grievous in episode 9?

- Eeth Koth
- Adi Gallia
- Anakin Skywalker
- Ayala Secura
Complete the quote: “Master Windu said we are keepers of the peace, not _______”

- Warriors
- Fighters
- Monsters
- Destroyers
How many episodes are in season two?

- 22
- 23
- 12
- 21
Which of these is the Republic’s most populous planet?

- Coruscant
- Naboo
- Alderaan
- Tatooine
What world is the Duchess from?

- Kalevala
- Concordia
- Mandalore
- Gargon
Name this bounty hunter

- Aurra Sing
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Sugi
- Cade Bane
What’s the name of the Mandalorian terrorist organization lead by Pre Vizsla?

- Death Watch
- Concord Dawn
- The Separatists
- Clan Vizsla
What’s Duchess Satine’s last name?

- Kryze
- Katan
- Wren
- Kenobi
True or false: Boba Fett appears in Clone Wars Season 2?

- True
- False
Who is the senator of Rodia?

- Onaconda Farr
- Baron Rush Clovis
- Padmé Amidala
- Mon Mothma
What is the name of this librarian?

- Jocasta Nu
- Josephine Nu
- Joann Nu
- Joana Nu
What is the name of the elder Jedi who helps Ahsoka recover her lost lightsaber?

- Tera Sinube
- Bolla Ropal
- Eeth Koth
- Yaddle
What is the name of Master Luminara Unduli’s Padawan?

- Barriss Offee
- Paris Offee
- Barriss Sophie
- Ahsoka Tano
Who is this?

- Admiral Trench
- General Trench
- Admiral Yularen
- Admiral Tenant