Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Quiz - Only Super Fans can get 100%
What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s favorite color?

- Lilac
- Turquoise
- Magenta
- Gold
Which of these is NOT an ingredient in polyjuice potion?

- Powdered common rue
- Fluxweed
- Knotgrass
- Leeches
- Powdered bicorn horn
- Boomslang skin
- Lacewing Flies
What spell does Gilderoy Lockhart attempt to use on the escaped pixies?

- Peskipiksi Pesternomi
- Waddiwasi
- Mobiliarbus
- Orchideous
In Harry’s second year, how many years ago was the chamber of secrets opened?

- 50
- 100
- 138
- 75
Who is the leader of the Headless Hunt?

- Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore
- Sir Dougal McGregor
- Sir Mimsy de Nicholas Porpington
- Count Jean-Baptiste-Charles-Henri-Hector d'Estaing
Who do the Dursleys have over for dinner right before the start of Harry’s second year?

- The Masons
- The Madisons
- The Marges
- The Malfoys
Around what year was Aragog born?

- 1942
- 1926
- 1980
- 1992
What color is the Weasleys’ flying car?

- Turquoise
- Blue
- Red
- Green
What was the FIRST thing Dobby did to try to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts?

- Intercepting his friends' letters
- Sending him a howler
- Trying to get him expelled
- Hijacking the Hogwarts Express
Who is Hermione supposed to turn into when she drinks polyjuice potion?

- Millicent Bulstrode
- Pansy Parkinson
- Astoria Greengrass
- Daphne Greengrass