The Ultimate Avengers: Endgame Quiz
Complete the quote: “I am ________.”

- Inevitable
- Incredible
- Unstoppable
- Unbeatable
- Inescapable
How does Tony describe Nebula in the message he recorded for Pepper when they are stranded in space?

- A blue meany
- A blue robot
- A blue alien
- A blue idiot
- A blue dummy
Complete the quote: “Rhodey careful on re-entry, there’s ________ in the landing zone.”

- An idiot
- A moron
- A loser
- A dummy
- A dork
How many days was Tony in space for when we see him record a message for Pepper?

- 22
- 21
- 20
- 24
- 12
Bruce said losing to Thanos 5 years ago was worse for him why?

- He lost twice
- He almost died
- He got trapped inside the Hulk
- He couldn’t get the Hulk to fight
Which of the Russo brothers had a cameo in Endgame?

- Joe
- Anthony
- Neither of them did, this is a trick question
Where does Natasha finally find Clint?

- Tokyo
- North Korea
- London
- Beijing
- Mexico
Tony says Nebula is a tiny bit what?

- Sadistic
- Vicious
- Savage
- Cruel
- Cold-blooded
What game was Tony playing with Nebula when they were stranded in space?

- Paper football
- Paper soccer
- Paper baseball
- Paper basketball
- Paper hockey
True or false: At the beginning of Endgame the avengers think Scott Lang got killed by Thanos’ s snap?

- True
- False
Tony says quantum fluctuation messes with what scale?

- The Planck scale
- The Quantum scale
- The Richter scale
- The Deutsch scale
What is Morgan Stark’s middle name?

- Howard
- Anthony
- Pepper
- Natasha
- Maria
What did Tony say he thought Rocket was before he heard Rocket speak?

- A build-a-bear
- A stuffed animal
- Statue
- A stuffed raccoon
Who is the first to try out the quantum time machine that Tony made?

- Clint
- Natasha
- Steve
- Tony
- Rocket
Who says “And that’s enough.”?

- Nebula
- Natasha
- Carol
- Steve
- Tony